Proven Addiction Treatment

(877) 743-4168

Freedom from addiction to drugs and alcohol starts here.

Together, we will overcome addiction.

If you or a loved one is struggling through the throes of drug addiction, we know how you must feel.

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Our Programs

Happy therapist talking with a rehab group at therapy session

01. Medical detox

All you need is the right help from the right people who can provide insightful care and dedicated assistance.

IOP - Intensive Outpatient Treatment Centers in Camarillo, CA

02. Residential treatment

We won’t be able to do that for you, however, if you are not completely and totally honest with us.

Planning for Difficult Conversations

03. Outpatient program

We won’t be able to help you if we don’t know what you need. You need to tell us what we need to know to be able to combat the addiction.


04. Aftercare

Namely, how long you’ve been using drugs, whether or not you have a family history of drug use, what drugs you’ve been using, as well as the intricacies and nuances of your personality.

Substance Abuse Treatment To Match Your Needs

We understand that seeking help for a drug or alcohol problem can be a terrifying idea. We are here to make your substance abuse treatment as comfortable as possible. Our staff are caring and understanding since most of them have backgrounds that include overcoming addiction.

Life Skills

When everyone is working together to provide a helpful and supportive environment, everyone benefits and will help each other overcome this unfortunate disease.

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Sober Living

The clients will be willing to help you overcome your triggers and cravings if they know you are dedicated and committed to treatment and recovery.

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Strength & Yoga Therapy

Though our professional and expert addiction specialists know how to treat any addiction under the sun, they still will not be able to help you if you are not honest.

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